Project Facts
Lanterra Development
Toronto, ON
Under Construction
900,000 Sq. Ft.
The Artists’ Alley development brings strategic densification to the area by replacing a low-rise office building with three mixed-use towers offering office, retail, and residential space. A truly mixed-use site occupying a large area in Toronto’s densely populated urban core, Artists’ Alley spans an east-west block between Simcoe and St. Patrick Streets. Located a short walk from the Art Gallery of Ontario, OCAD, Grange Park and subway stations, the design features three buildings bisected by a lively pedestrian walkway lined with retail to create an active public realm. The walkway leads into a new 1,000 square metre public park off of St. Patrick Street. The varying heights of the three towers are designed to negotiate a transition between two very different urban contexts – the large urban scale of the University to the east and the somewhat reduced urban scale to the west.
Project Facts
Lanterra Development
Toronto, ON
Under Construction
900,000 Sq. Ft.

Massing Studies and Reconfigurations

Massing Studies and Reconfigurations
A reconfiguration of the plan added a park on the south-west corner and improved the mid-block pedestrian connection that now allows expansive sky views from the ground level and increased visibility across the development.

A reconfiguration of the plan added a park on the south-west corner and improved the mid-block pedestrian connection that now allows expansive sky views from the ground level and increased visibility across the development.

A parkette fills the widened space between the two podiums, encouraging pedestrians to engage with the site and the added green space.
A parkette fills the widened space between the two podiums, encouraging pedestrians to engage with the site and the added green space.

Articulated garden terraces throughout the complex, a rooftop pool and terrace lounge with expansive views of the city, and fully equipped fitness centres are among the impressive residential amenities.
Articulated garden terraces throughout the complex, a rooftop pool and terrace lounge with expansive views of the city, and fully equipped fitness centres are among the impressive residential amenities.

Progress as of May 2024

Progress as of May 2024